Hand on your heart ❤️

“Put your hand on your heart,’
the old man said.
‘Inside you, there is a power,
there are ideas,
thought that no one has ever thought of,
there is the strength to love,
purely and intensely,
and to have someone love you back –
there is the power to make people happy,
and to make people laugh –
it’s full compliments,
and the power to change lives and futures.
Don’t forget that power,
and don’t ever give up on it.” Atticus

Put your hand on your heart and never ever give up. Stay golden World ✨

Virtudes ✨

Qué bonita es la vida cuando eres feliz contigo, cuando te das cuenta que la gente que está es la que vale la pena y que estás exactamente donde tienes que estar. Cuando te das cuenta que lo que más lastima es esperar… Esperar que una persona reaccione como nos gustaría, esperar cambios, esperar respeto, esperar amor, esperar que nos den lo mismo que damos. Lo que no pasó fue mejor que no pasara.

Las virtudes de la vida cuando te aceptas a ti misma, la voluntad de asumir la plena responsabilidad de nuestras elecciones. La asertividad que se caracteriza en que la persona habla sobre lo que cree que es justo, estableciendo límites claros. La confianza es la sensación de seguridad y la valoración de la capacidad que tenemos en nosotros mismos. El cuidado es una gran virtud. Significa dar atención a uno mismo y las personas que nos importan. Escuchando con compasión, y ayudando con bondad. Gratitud es ver el lado bueno de la vida y expresar agradecimiento y satisfacción. La satisfacción es la conciencia de la suficiencia, un sentido de que tenemos suficiente y somos suficientes. Hace que valoremos hasta las cosas más simples. El perdón en referencia a uno mismo y lo demás. Es la aceptación de los errores y seguir con la vida con la conciencia limpia.

Cuando solo confías y solo fluyes.

“Que tus palabras sean fieles a tu naturaleza, y que puedas escuchar a los otros sin aferrarte a tu ego.”

Stay Golden world ✨

Dark Galaxies 🖤

How do we forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become?


Bad chapters can still create great stories.

Wrong paths can still lead to right places.

Failed dreams can still create successful people.

Sometimes it takes losing yourself time after time to find yourself.

The one thing I hope we all learn from this lockdown is self reflection. Learning how to just be, without trying to conquer any goals and always looking forward to something in the future is a skill we must all master. Maybe the world has slowed down so you can rediscover yourself. This is the best time for the journey within.

I think once the dust settles, we will realize how little we need and the true value of human connection.

Stay Golden World ✨

La Corona 👑

“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being and be still. They listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed.” Kitty O’Meara

“Y la gente se quedó en casa, y leyeron libros, y escucharon, y descansaron, y se ejercitaron. También crearon arte, y jugaron juegos, y aprendieron nuevas formas de ser, y estuvieron quietos. Escucharon más, algunos meditaron, otros rezaron, algunos incluso bailaron. Hubo algunos que conocieron sus sombras. Y las personas empezaron a pensar diferente. Y las personas comenzaron a sanar.”

Y de repente despertamos un día y todo cambió. En Disney se apagó la magia ✨la muralla de China no era tan fuerte, ahora New York si duerme, y ningún camino quiere conducir a Roma, un virus se Corona como dueño del mundo y nos dimos cuenta de nuestra fragilidad, no sabemos si el daño es a propósito o irresponsabilidad de nosotros mismo..

Social distancing makes us realize a lot about ourselves and our power. Take some time to just sit and be.

Stay Golden World 💕🌎

Instantes 🌾

Me he acostumbrado a tu risa, a tu mirada encima de mi mientras finjo estar distraída. Me fascina tu atención, esa singular manera de quererme, incluso cuando yo misma no me soporto, te enamoraste de mis defectos y de todo lo demás, yo hice lo mismo contigo. Ahora me la paso proyectando una vida entera a tu lado, también pensando de como sería una vida sin ti, no la imagino, te juro que no.

Hoy sonrió con la seguridad de que si este fuese el último día de mi existencia, hice lo necesario para ser feliz, con mis gustos raros, mis abrigos de siempre, mis tenis Adidas color verde oscuro que aunque viejos son mis favoritos, y mi café de madrugada para empezar mis días.

Lo más hermoso que puede tener un ser humano es la sencillez. Stay Golden World ✨

Reconstruction 🧿

What if all this time, all this struggle, has been leading you to a beautiful chapter in your life? What if everything workouts, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now?

What if you replaced negativity with optimism?

No matter how much work you do in your “self love” department to get rid of unsupportive thoughts and beliefs, they still sometimes pop up and surprise you.

This journey, this path… it’s not meant to have you question who you are, but instead, help you align who you are meant to be…

I’m over setting “New Years Resolutions” this coming year isn’t about trying to change but rather trying to reconstruct and uncover. We’re taught that we need to change, make New Years resolutions to improve and set the bars high a** fuck to feel some type of relevant to our own existence. But the deeper work of getting to know ourselves unlocks our potential without trying to force ourselves into unhealthy habits and behaviors.

I have realized that the most powerful work I do is uncovering more of the joy, contentment, and fulfillment that already exist within me. I sit in silence and tears started falling, but they are happy tears. They were cleansing tears like rain, washing away and clearing all the emotional debris, all the noise in my mind that had taken me away from remembering who I truly am. They were tears of joy of coming home to who I am.

Silence in stillness and a great yoga session with some amazing woman I realized it’s the simplest form of being. The feeling of coming home to yourself over and over again, is one that always humbles me and brings me to tears and gratitude. We are so much more than we think we are, if only we take the time to discover it for ourselves.

Here’s to a year of setting intentions instead of resolutions, to moving with grace, getting to know yourself better, and to coming home to yourself again and again.

Creo que el mundo necesita gente alegre con altas dosis de locura y conciencia tranquila.

Stay Golden World 💕


Soul food 🧡

You may seem attractive but being physically attractive doesn’t mean that you’re spiritually attractive too. Looks are deceptive, materialism is deceptive, external beauty is deceptive. You know what’s real?… healing is real, confidence, kindness, compassion, humbleness, and authenticity is real. You’re beautiful not by your physical appearance but by how you overstand and understand the depths of your own soul making conscious effort to heal, evolve, and be one with existence. I don’t see people, I feel them, their energy and vibes introduces itself before they do. You may be eye candy 🍭 but I’m looking for soul food.

Do it from Love not for love.
Stay Golden World 💕


Miedo 🖤

Si hay que perder que sea el miedo, la vergüenza o la ropa. O todo a la vez.

En la vida perder a veces significa ganar.

Ya no lo voy a soñar mas lo voy a vivir.

Stay Golden World 💕

Joker 🃏

The “Joker” film hit the nail on the head. I hope people will realize how much we constantly torment people with mental illness. We teased them in our schools, outcast them as adults, and constantly avoid interactions because we know they are different. We deprive them of counsel, medication, and aid to pay for those simply because we don’t prioritize mental health. Why do we act surprise when they lash out in extreme fashion??.. Society has a level of culpability that we refuse to reflect on. Everyone immediately blames the tools used (guns) but we never address the reasons why an individual would commit these hideous acts. After watching this movie it helped me reflect on many things. One is how much we all play a role in people’s lives from our family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, to strangers we interact with each day. Too often we criticize people who struggle with these types of illness and are quick to label them as “crazy”, “weird ” or “the loner”. It’s those labels why people are afraid to seek or ask for help, they know the response the world gives.

Depression is an illness and it should be treated as such. People often think that the reason someone is depressed is due to their current life circumstances and it will get better with time, but it doesn’t because it has nothing to do with that. It’s like trying to heal the flu with hugs. But how can we seek help when it cost more to see a therapist than it is to go to dinner?..

The system is backwards, pushing political agendas overs people’s well-being. Instead of focusing on laws and politics, we need to focus on bettering our mental healthcare and provide benefits for those who need help. With the US being in the top 2 (based of a couple studies I read) most diagnosed depression and anxiety cases in the world. 13% of people over the age of 12 in the US are on some sort of anti-depression or anti anxiety medication. Keep in mind it’s only a number base on those who can afford or actually seek help who are getting treated. That’s over 42,000,000 people!

I was reading a message written by Josh Brolin on the Joker and I quote ” An example of dangerous compassion would be to say, make a film made about the fragility of the human psyche, make it so raw , so brutal, so balletic, that by the time you leave the theater you not only don’t want to hurt anything but you desperately want an answer and a solution to the violence and mental health issues that have spun out of control around us.”

It was an uncomfortable masterpiece, a beautiful tragedy, which shook me yet felt like freedom to see him run free. I don’t think we’ve ever had a movie portrayed mental illness and implications (both social or physical) this precise.

The Joker is not a movie for kids, it’s a movie for adults so they understand the consequences of how we treat everyone starting with our childhood affects our lives. Let’s try to be better, let’s raised our kids to be nice and know how important/ the difference it can make by being so to those around us.

Mental illness is real. Don’t be afraid or ashamed, we’re all dealing with things. I hope we can find better ways to address these issues and talking about it is certainly the first step to bring awareness.

Stay Golden World

Patience 🧘🏻‍♀️

Everything happens in divine order. The good, the bad, the unexpected, and the unfortunate. No matter what is in front of you, it’s part of your path in life. Follow, trust, believe, forgive, be grateful, and keep pushing. Don’t give up on yourself when there’s turmoil. Questions, confusion and concerns are only signs that things are changing or need to change.

Stay Golden World 🎈