Soul food 🧡

You may seem attractive but being physically attractive doesn’t mean that you’re spiritually attractive too. Looks are deceptive, materialism is deceptive, external beauty is deceptive. You know what’s real?… healing is real, confidence, kindness, compassion, humbleness, and authenticity is real. You’re beautiful not by your physical appearance but by how you overstand and understand the depths of your own soul making conscious effort to heal, evolve, and be one with existence. I don’t see people, I feel them, their energy and vibes introduces itself before they do. You may be eye candy 🍭 but I’m looking for soul food.

Do it from Love not for love.
Stay Golden World 💕


I am enough ❤️

The growth we experience emerges out of struggle. Change is born from dissatisfaction and hurt, sometimes in order to welcome in the best years and things of our lives we have to clear out the bad things occupying that space. We need to let go of the things we like to meet the things we love. We have to let go of security sometimes to find opportunity. We have to let go of our ego to find fulfillment. In order to find the greatest things of our lives- the things that are worth our time: worth our deepest love: worth every moment of energy we have to be willing to be empty of all things in our past. You have to be ready.. ready to let go of being defensive, to lay it all down to rest and accept that what is coming is far better than what it’s gone. Trust me it’s worth it!. The greatest things are there as a reward for those who are brave enough and are ready to go after happiness, after love, and to go after being the best version of themselves. For those who are bold enough to believe that they matter, they chose growth, and they choose to love reaching a peak of “I am enough-I am worthy “.

Stay golden world 💕


Instinct 🔥

Don’t discredit your gut instincts. We sometimes think we are being paranoid and often disregard our feelings by confusion or anxiety. Your body can pick up vibrations, some better than others. If something deep inside you says something’s not right about a person or situation, trust it and move differently.

You can completely recreate yourself. You can rise up from anything. You’re not stuck, you have choices. You can think new thoughts, learn something new, you can create new habits. All that matters is that YOU decide today and never look back unless you’re embracing your growth.

Remember your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.

Stay Golden World 🌟





History 📖

Growth means choosing happiness over history, and never looking back. Let’s focus on the present and what you can control, like your attitude and effort. In life we do many things, some we wish we never had done or experience. Some we wish we could relieve but are left with the million replays in our heads. They all make us who we are and hold a place in the back of our mind. Wishing to go back in time to change things would result in changing who we are today. I feel we usually wish things were different because of the lack of understanding on how precious life and moments can be each day. Even those around us who have made our life a little better by loving us, taking care of us, and teaching us about life in both positive and negative things we must appreciate.

Just live. Make mistakes, take advantage of each day to make memories and fill up your phone storage with pictures. Don’t second guess who you are and appreciate where you come from, what you have been through, and most importantly where you’re going. If you’re going to look back in your history I hope it’s only to see how far you have come, to appreciate the memories of all your milestones and celebrate your life with each day you are given to live.

Treat yourself like someone you love and forgive yourself for your mistakes ❤️

Stay Golden World 🌎