
You think you’ve seen her naked because she took her clothes off? Tell me about her dreams. Tell me what breaks her heart. What is she passionate about, and what makes her cry? Tell me about her childhood. Better yet, tell me one story about her that you’re not in. You’ve seen her skin, and you’ve touched her body. But you still know as much about her as a book you once found, but never got around to opening.

Don’t focus on what others say about you, we all make mistakes but when you truly love someone and care to know them it will be because learning about them is your favorite story and you can’t wait to read about their adventures, fears, what makes their heart skip a beat, the joy that a glimpse of the ocean brings to their eyes, the raw emotion, the core to who they are and will be. Even those that call you crazy so easily forget that you have read and study every inch of their skin to know the slightest lie your favorite lips say, the look of otherness in their eyes that reminded you of a heaven at one point.  She’s not crazy, she’s not bipolar, you’re just experiencing the consequence of selling her a dream and delivering a nightmare. One that even with your mistakes you point at them as the problem.

“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.” Aristotle

Stay Golden World ❤️

10 thoughts on “Naked🐘

  1. Deep, the type of words that touche a magnitude of memories both good and bad for lacking to appreciate that one who knew me so darn well I acted a fool like she was crazy simply because I couldn’t lie to the one who knew me better than I knew me.

    Your words are light and love


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